RoboMed System

Remote Medical System

RobMed Remote Medical System is a comprehensive system for providing remote medical services to patients. This system uses a robot equipped with various remotely controllable medical devices and cameras to send online tests, including vital signs and various medical images, to the attending physician.



Today, with the advancement of technology, human life has undergone significant changes. One of the most important changes is in the field of communications and information technology, which has remarkably influenced the daily lives of humans. This technology has had profound effects in various areas such as education, healthcare, communications, and social relationships. Nowadays, people no longer need long travels to see friends or acquaintances; instead, they can connect through social networks. Even many formal and informal educations are now conducted online or offline on various platforms, moving away from their traditional and classical forms. Another area that has recently undergone changes and is changing its traditional face is the healthcare sector, known as remote medicine.

Remote medicine includes a set of systems and services that use technologies such as video visits, email, smartphones, wireless tools, and other forms of remote communication technologies together. This allows remote patients to access their desired doctors and be examined and visited by them. In this system, patients and doctors are located in different geographical locations, and the use of information and communication technology bridges the gap between them. In general, remote medicine provides real clinical services to remote patients using information and communication technologies.

Introduction to RoboMed System

The goal of this system is to use a medical robot for online visits of remote patients. This system consists of both a web and an application section. In the web section, healthcare centers, physicians, and nurses can register. The robot section includes various medical equipment such as blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, pulse oximeters, and various controllable medical cameras. The patient is present at the robot location and undergoes various medical tests with the assistance of a nurse using robot equipment. Simultaneously, the physician can view the test results online and record their medical diagnosis in the system. The features of the system include:

1. Management of healthcare centers

2. Robot management

3. Management of medical equipment

4. User management

5. Management of medical tests

6. Patient management

7. Various reports



The main goal of this system is to enable remote online visits between physicians and patients using medical robots. Patients visit the robot location, undergo various medical tests, and simultaneously send medical results to the attending physician, enabling a diagnosis by the physician.


Reduction of healthcare costs

Another goal of the RoboMed system is to reduce costs associated with medical care and treatment using remote patient visits and electronic records.


Recording and maintaining medical records

The possibility of continuous and accurate registration and update of electronic records of patients is provided with high confidence and security.


Use of medical robots

The use of medical robots for conducting tests and assisting physicians in diagnosis and consultation helps both physicians and patients.


Remote patient visits

Easy and convenient online visits of patients with desired physicians are facilitated.

Key Featuresof the System

By utilizing our powerful and efficient subsystems, you can optimally manage and control your system processes.


Establishment of healthcare centers

Establishing a comprehensive system for managing and improving hospital and branch service quality.


User management

Creating and managing various users in the RoboMed system to create user accounts and provide appropriate access to information and services.


Establishment and management of robots

Implementation of medical robots and their management to enhance efficiency and accuracy in diagnosis and consultation.


Management of medical equipment

Management of medical equipment to enhance efficiency and accuracy in diagnosis and consultation.


Management of patient medical records

Creation and maintenance of electronic medical records to improve medical information and patient history.


Management of medical tests

Monitoring systems and processes related to conducting medical tests for higher speed and accuracy.


Physician scheduling management

Establishing and upgrading an intelligent system for managing and scheduling medical visits for physicians and patients.


Video visits

Improving communication between physicians and patients through video visits and sending information online.


Enhancing information security

Ensuring the security and protection of sensitive patient information and the RoboMed system against security threats.


Unlock the power of data, elevate your business.



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