Our Services

Husan Company offers a variety of consulting services based on the experience and knowledge of its senior managers in various software and AI domains, aiming to assist organizations, institutions, governmental and private companies in achieving their technology and digital transformation goals. These services include RFP preparation, system analysis and design, assistance in deploying software systems, software customization, process and system automation, design and implementation of intelligent systems, and IoT-based system design.


Providing technical and specialized consultancy tailored to organizational needs, problems, and processes.

Requirements Analysis Consultancy

Today, one of the most important requirements for most organizations and companies is preparing RFPs for the development and improvement of their current status. Preparing an RFP requires experts with practical experience, technical expertise, high systemic vision, and necessary scientific and technical knowledge. To meet these needs, our company, with the help of prominent professors and graduates from top universities in the country and Europe, declares its readiness to prepare various organizational and corporate RFPs for software systems and process automation.

System Analysis and Design Consultancy

One of the issues between software companies and organizations is the lack of project scope transparency during contract definition and setup. Therefore, software delivery often reveals problems caused by this lack of transparency. Our company, leveraging the experience of its managers and experts, declares its readiness to design and prepare necessary documents for standard analysis and design so that organizations or companies can have the necessary assurance for process documentation. In return, the executing company expects real project scope and client expectations during system implementation.

Consultancy for Software Deployment

The delivery and deployment of new systems by software companies in organizations is a persistent issue often faced with strong resistance that in many cases leads to project failure. Leveraging years of experience, our company has developed various software and infrastructure testing types to ensure the stability of the new system. Subsequently, we provide specific stages alongside organizations to provide necessary consultancy for this transition.


Husan Company has developed several systems in collaboration with organizations. The company declares its readiness to share these systems with companies and organizations, as well as customize software. The most important systems ready for joint service offering are as follows:

Conducting Specialized Online Courses

This company has developed a comprehensive system for conducting specialized online and offline training courses. This system can assist companies and organizations in conducting specialized training courses without the need to purchase software licenses. The system includes subsystems for training management, content management, exam management, online classes, and course certification. By defining the organizational manager and the desired course, this system provides the necessary access for the organizational manager to register learners and course instructors. Various training scenarios are among the advantages of this system.

Clinic and Hospital Management

This service has been developed for managing medical records, prescribing medications, conducting tests, and scheduling both in-person and online appointments. The company declares its readiness to share this service with physicians and hospitals. This service includes various user panels covering all aspects related to patients, clinics, and hospitals.

Product Customization

In line with interacting with organizations and companies, this company declares its readiness to customize its products and any desired custom software for organizations and companies. The company also announces its readiness for joint investment to develop any type of software with other organizations and companies.


Big Data Services

One of Husan Company's capabilities lies in data and big data analysis. Leveraging a group of postgraduate students and members of the research and development team from the University of Tabriz, the company has established a big data analysis center. This center is engaged in research and development on various platforms for intelligent data analysis. Preprocessing platforms for Persian, English, and image data are among the outputs of this center. The center also declares its readiness to analyze organizational data for developing management dashboards for decision-making in organizations. Organizational data analysis can also be very beneficial in improving organizational processes.

Process Automation

Given the increasing importance of AI deployment in organizations, this company declares its readiness to design intelligent systems for predicting the future state of organizations and companies. Utilizing existing organizational data as hidden wealth, it can pave the way for a bright future for the organization.

AI-Based Services

This company has developed several products based on artificial intelligence, including the Smart Metering System for mechanical meters (electricity, gas, and water) and the intelligent home decoration system, Dekovi. We declare our readiness to provide any service based on these products to organizations and companies. These products can provide various intelligent monitoring for production lines and other industries, and the company announces its readiness to participate in such projects.


In line with serving companies and organizations, this company announces its readiness to support and consult on maintaining current systems of organizations. Services in this section include server maintenance, assistance in system load balancing, and consultancy to improve service delivery of current systems of organizations and companies.