Yadina System

Intelligent Electronic Learning System

Yadina is an intelligent platform that personalizes and enhances electronic learning using artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies. This system aims to elevate professional and specialized education.



Information technology-based educational systems are gaining increasing importance in lifelong learning every day. High-speed networks support distance learning, making the flow of education and learning more flexible. Various types of ICT-based education and learning are considered in different ways, each requiring its own technologies. 'Electronic learning or e-learning' refers to a set of educational activities conducted using electronic tools such as audio, visual, computer, network, virtual, etc. In other words, all programs that lead to learning through computer networks, especially the Internet, are called e-learning. The term e-learning includes a wide range of applications and functions, including web-based education, computer-based education, virtual classrooms, and electronic collaborations. Electronic learning is a practical example of distance education. This type of learning is one of the most successful new educational methods in the world. Electronic learning can be defined as having a comprehensive educational system that automates both the process of mechanizing classroom education and the process of distance education, both online and offline. The system developed at Example Company is an example of a comprehensive electronic learning system combining intelligence.

Introduction to Yadina System

Our proposed platform offers a system using the latest software development technologies that a wide range of internet users can participate in. In most current educational systems (traditional and technology-based), a fixed instructional scenario is considered for all learners, which often compromises the quality of education and significantly reduces the level of learning. Today, with the advancement of technology and information technology, personalization and intelligence in education are a major step towards solving the current educational problem. In this system, based on our expertise in this area, we propose a comprehensive system for distance learning using intelligent systems, recommendation systems, and information technology. The proposed system designs an intelligent education system based on specialized content and exams. In the proposed system, instructional scenarios are suggested based on the learner's knowledge level. The system first evaluates the learner's prior knowledge, then determines specific scenarios to enhance the knowledge level of the individual. Until the learner reaches the desired level, education continues with different scenarios.



The goal of the Yadina system is to create a proposed platform using the latest software development technologies to provide intelligent and personalized education. This system enables remote learning with specialized content and exams using intelligent and IT-based recommendation systems. By assessing the knowledge level of each learner, the system proposes personalized instructional scenarios and provides scenarios for enhancing the knowledge level based on individual needs and requests. In this way, education will continue according to the needs and knowledge of each person until the expected level is reached. This system improves the quality of education and increases the level of learning by creating an intelligent and adaptive training process.


Personalized Learning

The Yadina system uses intelligent technology to determine educational scenarios based on each individual's knowledge and needs, providing customized learning for each learner.


Enhancing Knowledge and Skills

The Yadina system offers specialized and professional training, allowing individuals to improve their education levels and skills continuously.


Improving Education Quality

The Yadina system improves the quality of education by providing specialized and high-quality content with the help of experts in various fields, delivering information more comprehensively.


Promoting IT Usage in Education

The goal of this system is to promote the use of information technology in education by creating a professional electronic educational platform, encouraging the use of technologies in educational fields.

System FeaturesMain

With the use of our powerful and efficient main subsystems, you will be optimally able to manage and better control your system processes.


Learner Profile Formation

Creating user accounts for learners in the system.


Instructor Profile Formation

Creating user accounts for instructors in the system.


Course Scheduling

Planning the scheduling of courses and classes.


Access to Courses

Access to educational courses.


Course Scenario Presentation

Presenting educational programs and content in scenario format.


Learner Evaluation

Assessing the performance and progress of learners.


Instructor Group Management

Managing courses taught by instructors.


Learner Course Management

Managing learner course registrations.


Content Presentation

Presenting educational and instructional content to users.


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