SAMAB System

Intelligent Water Transmission Monitoring System

In this system, our focus is on designing an intelligent water distribution monitoring system as a comprehensive system. This technology enables us to provide precise and efficient monitoring of the distribution network using the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence. Our goal in this system is intelligent control and monitoring of the water distribution network, with automatic actions and alerts in critical situations.



Today, technology has become an inseparable part of everyone's daily life. This technology generates a vast amount of data that is often beyond human processing capabilities. Therefore, artificial intelligence and machine learning play a primary and essential role in many industries today. Among the data generated, a significant portion pertains to mechanical and electronic equipment data. Thus, processing this data for intelligent monitoring is one of the most widely used technologies in human life today. This branch of information technology and artificial intelligence is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT), which has introduced very efficient mechanisms for automation.

In recent years, the smart monitoring system, with the help of IoT, information technology, artificial intelligence, and various sensors and cameras, has undertaken the task of collecting, transmitting, storing, analyzing data, alerts, operations, and reactions in the form of a unified and integrated system. In the smart monitoring system, data is updated without time limitations and collected in real-time. Then, it undergoes evaluation using intelligent algorithms and ultimately makes decisions based on environmental conditions at the moment. This way, users can obtain the required information very effectively.

Introduction of SAMAB System

This system is designed to create, manage, and provide a repository of various data types for processing, alerting, action, and prediction as needed. The emphasis of this system is on accuracy, speed, and automation of processes. Given the importance of optimal water distribution management and the primary concern of responsible organizations in this field, the use of intelligent monitoring systems to reduce human error in registering and controlling water transmission lines is essential and vital. The intelligent monitoring system with the capability of collecting and analyzing information accurately and continuously monitors and controls transmission lines according to the expectations of the responsible organizations with minimal errors and high stability.

This system includes hardware components such as sensors, pressure gauges, flow meters, electric valves, microcontrollers, and network equipment, and its software part includes data reception, processing, alerting, rule-based operations, and data flow visualization. SAMAB, by receiving data from one station and processing it based on defined rules, opens or closes valves at other stations. It also records changes in the software environment. Necessary alerts are sent for each successful or unsuccessful operation, and all changes are logged in the system. One of the key features of the monitoring system is the online availability of system data, which allows the pressure level at each station to be visible at any moment. Valve statuses are also visible online for monitoring and control purposes.



The main objective of SAMAB is to develop a system for creating, managing, and providing a repository of various water flow and pressure data in different stations for processing, alerting, action, and prediction as needed. System features include accuracy, speed, and automation of processes.


Centralized Data Management

Real-time online data acquisition from various stations, storage in a data warehouse, and operational management and analysis of data refer the system.


Support for Optimal Consumption

By monitoring station behaviors online, even the smallest water leaks in the system will be visible, which significantly contributes to optimizing consumption.


Prevention of Human Error

In traditional systems, all station operations are manual and performed by operators, which inherently involve unintended human errors.


Customer Satisfaction

Often, water pressure drop is a common reason for customer dissatisfaction. Automatic regulation of water flow and pressure will significantly increase customer satisfaction.

Key Featuresof the System

With the help of our powerful and efficient subsystems, our system can optimally manage and control its processes.


High Processing Speed

High and efficient speed in processing data and information for better management of water transmission lines.


High Operation Accuracy

This system performs valve opening or closing based on real-time analyzed data.


Detection of Pressure Drops

With pressure drops, this system reacts based on existing hydraulic rules.


System Admin for User Management

Provides management reports.


End User Panel

This system provides a panel for end users to view water transmission behaviors.


Rules Management Panel

Hydraulic rules are available to managers for defining new rules.


Station Definition Panel

In this system, various stations along with their equipment can be defined.



A board with a microcontroller has been designed and manufactured for receiving commands in this system.



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